Bitcoin technical analysis: BTC/USD moving within a range of punishment or opportunity
Bitcoin price is trading in the minor positive territory, up some 0.35% in the second half of the session.
BTC/USD continues to move within the confinements of a bearish flag structure via the daily chart view.
The narrowing range conditions are growingly subject to a breakout, it remains unclear in terms of the imminent trend.

Ethereum technical analysis: ETH/USD tight conditions subject to a potential explosive breakout
Ethereum price is trading in the red, down 0.70% the session on Tuesday.
ETH/USD is moving within narrowing trading conditions via the daily chart view.
The upside is capped at $180 and support is being held just below at $170.

Litecoin technical analysis: LTC/USD subject to another potential big bear bite
Litecoin price is trading in the red in the session by some 0.25%.
LTC/USD remains very much vulnerable to downside risks as it sits below the breached bear flag.
The price is being capped underneath a broken down bearish flag formation.