Venezuela to Collect Tax in Cryptocurrency – But No Petro?
A decree issued yesterday by Nicolas Maduro’s government states that those conducting business in Venezuela involving…More
A decree issued yesterday by Nicolas Maduro’s government states that those conducting business in Venezuela involving…More
/latest/2019/01/as-tron-trx-surges-12-to-move-to-8th-place-justin-sun-says-whos-next/ As TRON (TRX) Surges 12% to Move to 8th Place, Justin Sun Says ‘Who’s…More
In tandem with the cryptocurrency boom of late 2017 and early 2018, the industry has…More
Approximately 70% of the banks surveyed by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) said they…More
Bitcoin Could be ‘Worth A Lot’ or ‘Worth Zero’, Says Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager Bill…More
Bulls made a surprising move but the follow through was less than satisfactory. Will Bitcoin…More
The biggest names in Bitcoin reaffirmed their belief in a wave of adoption and a…More
A Russian university lecturer with ties to the government says the Kremlin will soon begin…More
If ever anyone wished they could turn back the clock it would be wildly unpopular…More
The instant digital asset exchange platform ShapeShift has laid off one-third of its team because…More