American Banking Giants Sound Off Against Libra as Monetary Threat
As if the financial establishment has not been vocal enough about its resistance against Libra,…More
As if the financial establishment has not been vocal enough about its resistance against Libra,…More
The meeting was chaired by the ECB’s Benoit Coeure and hosted by the Bank for…More
The French Finance Minister has vehemently stated that Facebook’s cryptocurrency, Libra, would not be given…More
Facebook have told U.S. senators that the initial basket of currencies that will back its…More
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Facebook’s rollout of its Libra digital currency could disrupt…More
Vice president of Apple Pay Jennifer Bailey, stated that Apple Pay was monitoring cryptocurrencies. He…More
The CEO of Huawei, China’s largest smartphone manufacturer, said that China should issue cryptocurrencies, in…More
Libra could be the start of an alternative financial system, beyond the reach of government—and…More
Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that the company will work as long as…More
Bitcoin hasn’t been the only casualty of the backlash by the world’s major economic powers…More